

The Charlotte Observer: Summer books: Murder, mischief and West Mills”

Author Webb Hubbell‘s upcoming political thriller, The East End, was featured in The Charlotte Observer‘s Summer Book reading guide!

“Hubbell gives you warm peach pie with ice cream to drool over in the same novel where four men lay a trap for Jack when he arrives at the Little Rock airport, string him up in a tree in a swampy wood and leave him to die. Bam. Hubbell is off to a rollicking start in this one about a widowed doctor who runs health clinics for the poor in Little Rock’s East End neighborhood. Somewhere Dr. Jana Hall has stepped on some powerful toes and someone wants her clinics shut down. Jack to the rescue. But can he succeed without ruining the good doctor’s reputation? Will she be ‘grist for easy gossip’? Court room scenes to keep you up late, but as with any ‘Jack Patterson’ tale, don’t let your breath out too soon.”

For the full list, click here.

To learn more about The East End and the Jack Patterson series, click here.

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