
Posts Tagged ‘Christian Devotional’

Fall Mega EBook Sale!

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

Hey, readers! We know it can be hard to get back into the fall routine, so why not check out the books we have on sale right now to help avoid that post-summer reading slump? We have over 15 books that are less than $1.99—only from September 5th through November 5th!

$1.99 Titles

Click each cover to learn more!

$0.99 Titles


Throughout the journey of life, we all have moments of feeling lost. Experiences where we feel tested. It’s at these times we need a signpost to point the way through the darkness and confusion to a clearer and better path. Signposts by Eric Kampmann shares the insights and wisdom he discovered as he journeyed through the pages of the New and Old Testaments. Prepare yourself for the journey and keep your eyes open to the signposts along the way. You too will discover that God is always near and available for those who seek Him.

About: Eric Kampmann

Hardcover: $16.95 (ISBN: 9780825309366)

E-book $9.99 (ISBN: 9780825308185)

Christian Devotional

400 pages

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