
Posts Tagged ‘Book Collecting’

Running Out of Shelf Space

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

So, I have a lot of books…


Book lover and all, I think it’s essential to own more books than I can possibly read. Unleash me in a bookstore and I’m a force to be reckoned with. Seriously, I’m, like, feral. Try and interrupt me when I’m reading the back of a book and I just might hiss at you…or growl [I’m more of a dog person]. And I can guarantee once I pick up a book, I’m not putting it back down–unless it’s in my shopping basket. It’s my toxic trait. My family hates it. My boyfriend hates it. My wallet especially hates it. 

Don’t get me wrong, the people in my life love that I love reading, but I think they’re more concerned with the fact that the hobby has slowly transformed into book collecting rather than actually reading said books. The introduction of BookTok and Bookstagram has only made it even worse. I see a book and I’m instantly running to the store to get it…and I might get five more, you know, since I’m there. And don’t get me started on Fairyloot and Owlcrate and Bookish Box and all those other special editions. Those I easily justify to myself since I may not get another chance to own that edition. 

The point I’m getting at is I’m running out of room for my addiction. No, I don’t have a library in my house, though I wish I did. I’m actually quite limited on space. My single bookshelf is filled to the brim, I have a TBR cart overflowing with books, and bins under my bed that hold the books that just don’t fit anywhere else. This is not including the pile of my current reads that are sitting at my bedside. 

I guess what my question to you guys is, what are you doing with your books? Are you just super lucky to have unlimited space to display them all? Do you have self-control and only buy books as you’re ready to read them? Do you donate books? Sell them? Prefer an eReader? Just borrow books from the library?

Please, I need to know before I’m forced to start substituting my furniture for furniture built out of books!

Beau Swan <3