
Reviews for A Game of Inches

One of the best parts of making a book is hearing the great things people say about it. When someone likes your book, it makes all that hard work worth it. That’s why we’re excited to have our first review for A Game of Inches, the third book in Webb Hubbell’s Jack Patterson thriller series. You can read the full review by Dannye Powell of the Charlotte Observer here.

“So it’s been with great pleasure and, I admit, a bit of a surprise, to have discovered with his first Jack Patterson thriller, that Hubbell can spin out a darned good story. His latest, another Jack Patterson thriller, is just out. I was delighted to start A Game of Inches and, as with his previous Ginger Snaps, to fall right into its intrigue.”

And there’s even more from radio host and sports writer Paul Finebaum. Paul currently produces ESPN’s The Paul Finebaum Show, and he’s a leading authority on southeastern sports. Here’s what he has to say about Webb Hubbell and his book:

“Webb Hubbell has quickly become one of my favorite authors. A Game of Inches was simply spectacular. It grabbed me from the opening sentence and my only disappointment at the end is now having to wait a year until the next one. A compelling and gripping read that easily puts Hubbell in the front row of a must-read legal thrillers along with John Grisham, Scott Turow, and Richard North Patterson. I’ve read all of Webb Hubbell’s books and this is easily my favorite. You will not put this book down.”

A Game of Inches can be pre-ordered here.