
Reagan Remembered

By Gilbert Robinson

Reagan Remembered is a commemorative retrospective honoring one of America’s most respected and beloved presidents, Ronald Reagan. Gilbert A. Robinson, who served as Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency and Ambassador and Special Advisor under President Reagan, has compiled contributions from Former President George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, Elizabeth Dole, Steve Forbes, and many others to discuss their relationship with the 40th President of the United States. Never before in presidential history have so many significant players—81 men and women who made history with Reagan—come together to contribute stories for one volume about their appointing president.

Democrats and Republicans can agree that Ronald Reagan possessed remarkable humor, courtesy, and consideration for others, natural charm, and a great sense of humor while displaying the toughness that brought an end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Robinson’s collection casts President Reagan in a new personal light, allowing readers to get a behind-the-scenes look at the man responsible for some of the most influential decisions of the 20th century.

 About: Gilbert Robinson

Hardcover: $29.95 (ISBN: 9780825307829)

E-book: $15.95 (ISBN: 9780825307126)

Political Science/Biography

476 pages

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