
Little Beau Peep: Literary Halloween Costumes

Halloween’s almost here! If you’re like me and you haven’t figured out what to dress up as yet, here are some simple literary costume ideas (guaranteed to make you stand out and/or elicit teasing from your friends):

• Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby (see left)

What you’ll need: a white suit, slicked back hair, and a mysterious smile

Bonus: Get a female friend to dress up as Daisy Buchanan in a classic white dress


• Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter

What you’ll need: an old dress with an ‘A’ stitched into it and a baby doll


• Edward Cullen from Twilight

What you’ll need: pale foundation, red colored contacts, glitter, and a perpetually miserable facial expression


• Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games (see right)

What you’ll need: bright make-up, a curly wig, fake eyelashes, and an utterly ridiculous outfit

Suggested Effie quotes to randomly exclaim:

“May the odds be ever in your favor!”


“That is mahogany!”


• The Giving Tree from The Giving Tree

What’ll you need: plain brown clothes, green body paint, fake leaves, and apples

Bonus: Give away all of your leaves and apples by the end of the night


Let us know what you’re dressing up as for Halloween!


Little Beau Peep

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