
Heart in the Big Apple, Head at Home

Hello readers!

My internship with Beaufort Publishing is a little abnormal this year for a number of reasons. As Beaufort’s first virtual intern, I’ve been whiling away the hours at home in the good old American South, rather than museum-hopping and coffeeshop-exploring in the Big Apple. While I very much wish that I could spend my summer in New York City, I know that everyone is having to make do with what they’ve got right now, and so I’m determined to make my experience with Beaufort an inspirational and meaningful one!

When I’m not shut away in my room, glued to my computer screen, I’m out and about shopping for books and making friends at my local bookshop/coffeeshop (a venue I worked at for years and still adore!). I also enjoy playing music with local musicians who are infinitely more talented than I am. We mostly stick to old Irish and American folk tunes, but we’ll occasionally bust out The Eagles or Simon and Garfunkel. I was a competitive Irish dancer for twelve years, and despite a semi-recent retirement from competition, I am avidly awaiting the day when we’ll once again be allowed to host St. Paddy’s Day festivals (it is, after all, the best holiday out of the whole year).

I am so excited to be interning with Beaufort! And hopefully I’ll make it up to the city for a week or two this summer, circumstances permitting. It’s a bucket-list dream of mine to be able to touch the Assyrian lamassu statues at the Met.



This is a shared blog post for Beaufort Books and Spencer Hill Press.
