
Elizabeth BEAUnnet says Hello!

Hi y’all! 

This is one of the four summer interns at Beaufort Books writing under the nom-de-plume Elizabeth BEAUnnet. Pride and Prejudice will forever and always be one of my favorite books and movies of all time, so I had to pay homage when choosing my nom-de-plume. 

I am over the moon excited to be interning at Beaufort Books for the summer! As someone who has loved reading since the minute I learned to do it, working in book publishing has always been a dream. Throughout my entire academic career, I have always been the friend that you call when you need a good book recommendation or someone to proofread and edit your latest essay. When you combine those tasks, you get my two favorite things to do: reading and writing. 

As with many readers, writing has always been one of my passions. I always knew that writing was something I wanted to pursue in life, and at the tender age of 8, I had already started writing my first novel. After starting that book, I never stopped writing. When I joined the yearbook club my freshman year of high school, I realized how much I loved the editorial side of publishing. Joining the yearbook club quite literally changed my life, as it is what inspired me to choose my two college majors: journalism and communication. 

As a rising senior in college, I am thrilled to be getting hands-on experience in the publishing industry here at Beaufort. After graduation, I plan to attend a university in New York, where I will hopefully obtain my Master’s degree in publishing. Or maybe I’ll end up receiving my Master’s in England… I have to live up to my nom-de-plume somehow! 

I am so excited to see what amazing opportunities my internship has ahead of me this summer! 


Elizabeth BEAUnnet