
A Little Beau Told Me

Hi there! I’m Sarah, the new publicity intern. Henceforth I’ll go by A Little Beau Told Me, so chosen because of my family’s tendency to use nicknames based on birds.

Lately I’ve had a tendency to collect books faster than I can read them. I just can’t help picking up a book  if, say, I peruse a used bookstore or if a friend is passing off a few unwanted titles. I give them a home on my increasingly overfilled bookshelf and it is there that they go to die under a layer of dust. But yes, I needed to buy that copy of Great Expectations because I was an English major and I should read that, shouldn’t I? And I just have to pick up this copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil from my friend who doesn’t even remember buying it because I liked that movie three years ago, didn’t I?

You really don’t want to know how many copies of Jane Eyre I’ve collected. There was a book I read, or possibly a movie I watched, where the protagonist once owned a book that had an inscription from her father. She proceeds to lose it, so she develops a habit of picking up copies of the book at used bookstores in an attempt to find the missing copy. Every time I mention this someone tells me what movie it’s from and every time I forget, but I still feel the need to own 5 copies of Jane Eyre. My favorite is a 100 year old copy that I picked up for £3 while studying abroad, but I digress.

These books deserve to be read, and I resolve to read them all! I must give Les Miserables another chance, I must try the silly novels I keep telling myself will be great for beach reading, and I must stop buying books that I know I won’t read. Or at least, I should try. At some point. Maybe after I’m done reading Game of Thrones.

I’ll get back to you on that.

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