
A fond farewell!


Friends, Romans, countrymen, it’s time for me to leave Beaufort.


Today is the last day of my internship! It’s very bittersweet. I’ve had a lot of fun here, but I’m hoping that this will lead to something great in the future. I can certainly say now that I know a lot more about publishing than I did when I started my internship in August. I had no idea how a book was made before, and now I know the basic planning process pretty well. I learned about CIP tagging, how to edit a book’s content in Adobe Indesign, what problems to look for in the design of a book’s cover and interior, and what kind of things work well in jacket copy. And I have to say, I am a master of mailings. I also feel like I made a mark on the office, albeit a small one. I introduced a few fun traditions, like breaks to play Jeopardy and to puzzle out riddles.


As far as my quest to read the lost and lonely books languishing on my bookshelf? Well, I made a good start. I read quite a few things that have sat for an undeterminable amount of time. Today I am reading Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card, which I can’t even remember buying. However, my habits still need some work. The thought of starting the various Dickens novels on my shelf is still daunting. I also got distracted by a donation of books from a friend, and have lately been itching to make a Barnes and Noble run. (But hey, that’s not my fault, I have a gift card!)

So goodbye, my friends. It’s been fun.

-A Little Beau Told Me