
A Cup of Hot Tea and Books (A Lot of Books)

“A good book should leave you… slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it.”
– William Styron,Writers at Work

Good morning internet world (or so I hope it will still be morning by the time I finish writing this post!)

I will be writing under the name Daisy BEAUchanan, after Jay Gatsby’s love interest in The Great Gatsby. It is one of my favourite novels, however, I am still conflicted about my feelings for her. When I first finished the novel, I disliked her. When I watched the movie, I really didn’t like her. Yet, often times when my mind wanders back to Daisy’s character, I begin to understand some of the despicable things she did. But I will stop there, for this is not a rant about her. Maybe I will save that for another post some day.

I also run a blog and one of the most frequently asked question from my readers is, “What books do you recommend?” Therefore today, I will be sharing some books I have added to my Autumn reading list and some that I have already read and highly recommend. I have to warn you- I am currently a little obsessed with the Fantasy/Dystopian and contempporary fiction in the young adult genre.

Let’s start off with my favourite books I read this year:


  1. Sold by Patricia McCormick was just a random pick up at Barnes & Nobles. I love the way it is written – in short verses told in the main character’s point of view.
  2. Everyone on the internet and all the avid readers I knew raved about Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. Now, I understand why. Right after I finished it, I had to rant to my best friend about how madly in love I was with the concept of the story and the characters too.
  3. The first time I passed by To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han, I knew it had to be something I needed to read. So I walked past it again, read the blurb, but told myself, “maybe next time.” The next time was when I began reading it. I can only tell you how many quotes and parts of the books are high-lighted in my Nook.
  4. Champion by Marie Lu is the third book of the Legends Trilogy. This trilogy has taken me out of this city and to a different time and place. Oh, and it’s also made me cry a couple of times.. (okay, maybe more than a couple of times.)
  5. I love Mitch Albom. His books always rearrange the way I think, how I feel about life, and becomes a part of me. All his work just make so much sense. The First Phone Call From Heaven is no different.
  6. In high school, I was forced to read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I am grateful my teacher did because I loved it. However, I love A Thousand Splendid Suns even more. It opens up a new door and I am able to get a glimpse of a whole different culture than the one I grew up in.
  7. I am a little obsessed with young adult fantasy/dystopian novels. I used to read them a lot when I was younger but I feel as if I read them even more now as I grow older! I heard a lot about Throne of Glass and when I finally got to reading it, I was hooked! The second book, Crown of Midnight was even better. I am currently reading the third installment that was recently released, Heir of Fire. I have a feeling I will be dreading the ending of that since the fourth book will be coming out next year.

Now, let’s move on to books I want and hopefully will get to read before 2014 ends:


I am stoked about this reading list! I’m especially looking forward to And The Mountains Echoed, The Infinite Sea, and Fangirl. What books are on your reading list? What books do you recommend for any book lover? Are there any new books coming out in 2015 that you are looking forward to?

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Until next time,

Daisy BEAUchanan

P.S. I just made it! It’s 11:56 AM.